Timing is Everything in Life
Whether you know nothing about Astrology or have read your daily horoscope for years, Astrology is one of the most effective tools you can use in your life.
Some say, timing is everything in life.
Despite times of wishing it was otherwise, my 30+ years of studying Astrology and using it as a timing-guidance tool in my own life has shown me that timing is one of the most important factors for making the big and critical decisions in my life.
The reason for this is that each planet within our Solar system emits it's own frequency that affects all of us, as well as our planet Earth. So, if you wanted to go to the beach, but it was cloudy outside, you probably wouldn't go.
The same goes for the planetary energies we are affected by, despite not being able to see them. Astrology is the energetic weather we all have to deal with throughout our lives.
From cosmic cycles that affect us all at a collective and evolutionary level, to the faster-moving planetary and moon influences that affect our daily moods and emotions, we are frequency based energetic beings affected by planetary frequencies at the subtle levels. Ask any policeman if there is more crime during full moons and see what they say.
To begin understanding how to use astrology as the priceless tool that it is, start with your own astrological birth chart. If you don't have one, you can get one online for free, however it won't tell you the important information within it, so you will want a full birth chart interpretation report - which you can order here at the astrologygirls.com.
You'll need some basic information in order to get the most accurate astrological report;
1. the exact time of your birth
2. your birth date
3. the place of your birth.
These three pieces of information are what determines the exact placement of each planet at the exact time, date and place that you were born. The results are what makes each one of us unique and our Astrological charts unlike anyone else's.
The key benefits of getting a full birth chart report will help you to discover your personal talents, skills, and potentials that are uniquely yours. It will also help you to gain greater understanding of your inherent weakness so you can work on how to improve those while utilizing your innate talents and strengths along the way.
While no one likes to hear about their weaknesses, those are actually the areas you'll want to focus on - as your Soul chose for you to experience those weaknesses for a reason. Basically, it's what the greater You wanted to learn in this lifetime.
One of the greatest gifts understanding your 'soul blueprint' or astrological birth chart offers you is an increased awareness of who you truly are while empowering you to embrace your life with great excitement and enthusiasm for what lay ahead.
In addition, consider your birth chart as your 'soul blueprint' or life roadmap to help guide you throughout your life.
Here are just a few ways you can make the most out of your birth chart report:
- learn how to utilize your personalized Astrology to guide you for divine timing
- access important knowledge for planning major-life moves, decisions and opportunities
- discover your strengths and weakness for a fast-track approach to life
- gain a greater appreciation for the inherent differences between you and everyone you will meet in your life
- discover who you truly are, why you are here now, and what you are to do next at the most important time in humanity's history