Discover the Elemental Goddess Within

When you elevate and express who you truly are from within, without and with the world around you.

Step 1: Elevate

The ability to elevate your life will first require you to know who you
truly are, why you chose to be here now and then what you are to do
next. It all starts here: Know Thyself.


Step 2: Heal

Before you can fully express who you truly are, and create the life you truly desire, you'll want to heal any negative subconscious programs that have been holding you back.


Step 3: Transform

The elemental frequencies of our world are the creative foundation to all life. Discover them and you are on your way to becoming the masterful creator of your life.



Through the 60 Minute Miracle, I found a powerful way to release the emotional stress that had escalated over a 6-month period. The panic attacks disappeared and I regained my sense of peace and clarity.

D.R. Los Angeles, CA

I was headed for a divorce, and the odds of my marriage surviving, were definitely not in my favor. The 60-Minute Miracle works. It’s a year later, and my marriage has never been better!

L.S. Costa Mesa, CA

I used The 60 Minute Miracle to release the long-held negative emotions that had built up over the
years. I'm back to being the caring family member I want to be and they deserve.

C.R. Newport Beach, CA

New Renaissance Coaching with Rebecca

It's time to ACCELERATE your ability to consciously create the life your Heart truly desires, improve your health and achieve breakthrough success you're destined to experience.

New Renaissance Retreats

Welcome to seven glorious days of rejuvenating relaxation while you are immersed in Tuscany's pampering indulgences, soothing serenity and culinary delights.

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Blog posts

Important to Keep in Mind - The January 30, 2019 Blog Post

Important to Keep in Mind - The January 30, 2019 Blog Post

The gift of being alive on Planet Earth at this time is as unique as it gets. We are individually unique yet collectively connected as one Humanity through our Heart's electromagnetic field.  Holographic in nature, it holds the wisdom of the Universe within.  This is the center of the Universe within where there are no limits, borders or boundaries.

Cosmic evolutionary opportunities like the one we're in only come around every 26,000 odd years or so.  Embrace it, treasure it and do your very best to live it like no other.  Because it is.

America 2.0 - Pluto Leads the Way

America 2.0 - Pluto Leads the Way

A new cosmic cycle is beginning. In 2024, we are turning a big corner and now it’s Humanity’s turn to make the most of the opportunities and divine timing. Now we need to prepare for the most amazing, exhilarating and beautiful time on Planet Earth with the New Renaissance that is approaching.

So, while America is getting gutted of the old outworn systems of control through centralized power and fear-inducing compliance, the rest of us need to prepare for the New Renaissance.
2024: Humanity 2.0

2024: Humanity 2.0

Our current state of global chaos, calamity and crisis falls under the realm of our favorite big boy cosmic coders: Pluto and Uranus. And, on January 20, 2024 when Pluto moves back into the sign of Aquarius, ruler of the internet and technology, he’s going to not only reveal all of the bad actors, viruses and malware, but especially the hackers who have been hiding in plain sight.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, oversees the Internet, and is the cosmic lead tech guy in charge. Uranus is also fast, surprising to the point of shocking, freedom loving, rebellious by nature, and is Humanitarian to it’s core.

It's All About You