The 60 Minute Miracle | It's Time to Heal

The 60 Minute Miracle | It's Time to Heal

Regular price $997.00 $797.00 Sale

Every negative program can be erased and then you'll want to replace it with what you truly want to create in your life.

The 60 Minute Miracle has it's foundation in the well-documented science of the subconscious mind and how it functions. Much like the software programs that run your computer, your subconscious belief systems, family patterns and emotionally-charged-life experiences can also run - and even ruin - your life.

The subconscious software programs are not something that can be overwritten with positive affirmations, the best of intentions or by anyone else.

The copy and paste approach will also not be effective. You will need to first erase the subconscious programs that are running your life, and then your next step will be to consciously create how you truly want to live your life.

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain...and that is the healing and freedom to live up to your greatest potential - by not allowing the past to hold you back.

It's possible, and the time to heal is NOW.



"I'd been grappling with the lingering disappointment and anxiety from a job promotion trial that didn't go as planned. The lack of feedback left me feeling stuck, angry and frustrated.

I even started having panic-attacks.

Through the 60 Minute Miracle, I found a powerful way to release the emotional stress that had escalated over a 6-month period.

I was able to let go of the past and move forward with renewed confidence. The panic attacks disappeared. I regained my sense of peace and clarity.

And 10 months later I got an even bigger promotion.

The 60 Minute Miracle is a transformative process that I wholeheartedly recommend."
D.R. - Los Angeles, CA


"I was headed for a divorce. My marriage was at a critical juncture, and I was devastated to see it reach this point. I was taking the next steps to leave my marriage - I’d moved out of our home.

Rebecca guided me to try The 60 Minute Miracle. And it worked. I felt a distinct and immediate shift. I was amazed because I literally felt all of my anger release. I felt more peaceful and stronger to stand in my power with him.

A few hours later, I was able to have a normal conversation with my husband for the first time in 5 weeks. Within days, I started to see my husband change before my eyes. He stopped drinking and his attitude shifted. Amazingly, he was finally willing to start working on himself.

The 60 Minute Miracle works if you're willing to take a little time and be honest with yourself. In my case - the odds of my marriage surviving, were definitely not in my favor.

I continue to use it anytime I feel any new negative emotion - and it continues to work every time! It’s a year later, and my marriage has never been better!” L.S. Costa Mesa, CA

“I met Rebecca socially and realized what a special person she is. I am very spiritual as well, so we spoke about healing, energy work and release.  She introduced me to the gift of her 60 Minute Miracle.

I must admit it was difficult to start - but so powerful with amazing results.

The difficult part for me was digging deep into the problems in my marriage. After 33 years, it was getting harder and harder to make it work. We had been through so much, and it was an easy solution for me to just walk away.

I had many unresolved emotions and anger towards my spouse. It was to the point where I felt the tension in my body as soon as he would walk into a room. I believe all these things have affected my health greatly.  

After doing the 60 Minute Miracle process, (it is work!) I felt the power to speak to him about things that I had never brought up - things that had been bothering me for years - even things he had done to hurt me early on in our marriage. 

I was surprised that these things came up while I was writing. I had forgotten many of them - but they were still buried. We are still working through a lot - but now I feel happy and strong - it has somehow given me power over things I can’t control! 

It is easy to give up - but so worth it to put the work in.  

I will continue to use the 60 Minute Miracle with other people in my life - parents, friends and siblings. I am a work in progress, but so much stronger after using the 60 Minute miracle. Thank you Rebecca!”

D.S. Laguna Nigel, CA


“The 60 Minute Miracle healing process has been very impactful in my life.

So far, it’s helped me heal my Mother wound as a result of growing up with addiction and domestic violence around me. I felt unsafe, vulnerable and even developed an eating disorder.

Immediately after working the 60 Minute Miracle, I felt lighter and safer.

My Mother is also treating me differently by being much more supportive and more considerate of my feelings.

I know I have more to heal, and I’m going to continue using the 60 Minute Miracle healing process to do that.

I’m so very grateful for Rebecca introducing me to her 60 Minute Miracle!”

R.C., Newport Beach, CA

"I had been dealing with a family situation that had taken it's toll on me over the past several years. It had reached the point that no matter what this family member said or asked of me, I was impatient, angry and frustrated.

I used The 60 Minute Miracle to release the long-held negative emotions that had built up over the years, and once I got to the bottom of my negative-emotion-barrel, it was a short hop up to the love and compassion I truly held inside.

I'm back to being the caring family member I want to be and they deserve. C.R., Newport Beach, CA"


Anything the body creates, the body can also heal.

All disease - whether at a chronic, acute or life-threatening level is caused by some degree of emotionally-based state of dis-ease. And once you release the root emotional source, your body will naturally come back into a balanced state of homeostasis and heal itself.

HOMEOSTASIS: a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.

We all know that our emotional experiences cause stress, which then stimulates the release of cortisol which in turn creates inflammation in the body.

Even our medical system now admits that stress is the common risk factor of 75% to 90% of all disease, including the ones that cause the highest mortality rates; cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Cancer.

Therefore, it's important that we learn how to effectively manage our levels of stress through greater understanding on how to manage the emotional ups and downs of life.

And, once you understand how to effectively express your emotions, with responsibility and without blame, you'll be better equipped to not let the little things get to you as much, and move through the big things with more understanding, compassion and grace.

Remember that anything the body creates, it can also heal, so it's never too late to heal.


Clear Communications create happier relationships of every kind.
You can use The 60 Minute Miracle for any relationship in your life where you feel unresolved negative emotions. Once you experience the emotional weight being lifted and released from your body, mind and spirit, you will have empowered yourself to no longer be held back by your frustrations, hurt, anger and resentments.

There is no greater gift you can give yourself and those who you love. Try it and see how once you heal yourself, your loved ones will naturally shift in response, resulting in happier relationships.


The key to Abundance is to consciously create it from a clean slate.

Lack, limitation and a scarcity mindset are all learned in early childhood. Those beliefs, financial limitations and hardships you learned as a child are not yours but something you learned and subconsciously chose to duplicate through the way you think about money, how you earn it and how you spend and manage it.

Financial struggle and hardship creates massive emotional stress which leads to a multitude of more problems, whether in your marriage or family, and especially your health.

Understanding that you can wipe those scarcity slates clean, and then create an Abundant life - in every way is what is waiting for you now.

Close your eyes now and imaging  every bill paid and a constant flow of money coming into your bank account. Feel the great sense of relief and give gratitude.

It's possible.

Don't let negative subconscious programs hold you back any longer. It’s possible to heal the past that’s been holding you back from living your best life.

The 60 Minute Miracle Process is a powerful transformational healing process that can erase the negative subconscious programs that have been holding you back from living your best life.

And, once you erase your subconscious slates clean, you’ll be ready to take the next steps to begin creating the life you truly desire.


STEP 1: Once you have purchased your 60 Minute Miracle Healing session, you will receive the 60 Minute Miracle questionnaire and we will schedule your personal consultation with Rebecca on Zoom.

STEP 2: You will complete the next step of the healing process in the comfort of your home, which takes about one hour, sometimes less.

STEP 3: After you complete the at-home step in your healing journey, we will schedule the next step in transforming your life from where you were, to where you want to go.



Family Communications
Parental Abuse
Low Self Esteem

Health Related Beliefs
Victim Mentality
Helplessness Mindset
Sympathy & Attention

Food/Eating Habits
Emotional Comfort
Body Image

Panic Attacks

Poverty Consciousness
There’s Never Enough
Lack & Limitation

Fear of Failure
Decision Making

Addiction Beliefs

Sense of not belonging

Ancestral Trauma
Religious Beliefs